he opening you need 2 pretty strong neo magnets (neodymium) – you can grab them from Ebay pretty cheap.
Hold the case up facing you… now put a magnet on the
either side of the case – the magnet will slide into the correct position by it self. now move the tags toward the middle of the case… the movement should slide the plastic inside to the green unlock position – your done!
Any way
– so I guess you want to know how to remove security tags from clothes?
Ok so there are a few methods which work, but it will depend on the retailer on how old your town is…
So once upon a time if you wanted to know how to remove security tags all you would need is a rubber band and maybe a lighter and screwdriver – for the super advanced stuff:
So the lighter Method:
Heat up the side of the tag – it melts – insert the screwdriver into the side of the tag and trip the release latch and the pin falls out – your done!
Problem: if you do this in a store you might draw some attention to yourself… if you do it in a changing room use could trip off the fire alarms or worse the assistant smells smoke!
The Rubber Band Method:
Its never worked for me but some friends out
of town say it works for them so here it is…. Are you ready?? … You sure? … you get the rubber band – place it between the pin and the security tag and pull! – The trick, they
say is to double the rubber band so its stronger and pull downwards and not up! - Never worked for me, but
there it is – give it a try.
Anyway, this stuff isn’t the most technical in the world but it works… oh wait there is one more thing that works…
The pliers:
This one is pretty cool and it does work: Sensormatic make security tags… it looks a little out of date – it’s the flat one with the pyramid looking thing at the top – Im sure you have seen one before, in fact here's a picture for you:
Insert a picture
Anyway the thing to do here is get two sets of pliers, grip both ends of the tag with the pin facing down (the weight of the clothing well help the pin fall out) and bend both pliers towards the grounds at the same time… making a rainbow shape of the tag.
This will release the pin and Wallah!!! - you ha
ve removed your security tag!
The problem with this method is the need to carry around two pairs of pliers – not the coolest thing to be carrying around, plus this doesn’t work with the new type of security tags… it will just break the ink cartridges and the new sensormatic tags are curved so you wont even get a grip on one end!
The cooler Method - The sensormatic hook:
So if you want to know how to remove security tags from clothing found in the latest retailers, the guys using the new tags, then you need the sensormatic hook.
What is the Sensormatic Hook? – well its pretty small – about 2 inches, is made of steel and its curved… here's a picture for you:
remove a tag, it lasts forever, its much smaller than two pairs of pliers, you can keep it anywhere.
So there you go, now you know how to remove security tags from clothing quickly and easily…
Where can you get a sensormatic hook? Well there are quite a few retailers on the net – I haven’t used them … my supplier is RemoveSecurtyTags.com
They have the legit hooks that wont break… they are made of steel and they are pretty cheap. Plus they have a few videos that show you how to remove security tags from clothing so you know exactly what to do when it arrives.
Anyway I hope this lens was useful – don’t forget to leave comments.
Click this link for more on How to Remove Security tags from clothes